Create a circular linked list and delete any user specified node

Write a C program to create a circular linked list and then delete any user specified node (Using double pointer).


Circular linked list:
Circular linked list is a linked list where all nodes are connected to form a circle. A circularly linked list node looks exactly same as a linear singly linked list.

In this example, we create a circular list with the use of double pointer and a function to delete the specified node.


typedef struct node
    int info;
    struct node *next;
void insertion(s **,s**,int);
void del(s**,s**,int);
void display(s*,s*);
s* first=NULL;
s* last=NULL;
void main()
    int ch,n,t;
         printf("\n1.insert a node\n2.delete a particular node\n3.display\n");
         printf("Enter your choice: ");
              case 1:
              printf("Enter number: ");
              //calling the insertion function

              case 2:
              printf("Enter the info field of node you want to delete: ");
              //calling the delete function

              case 3:
              //call the display function
void insertion(s**last,s**first,int n)
     s* p=NULL;
void del(s** first,s** last,int t)
    int l=0;
    s * q=(*last),* r=(*first);
         printf("linked list empty\n");
              else if(r->info==t&&r==(*last))
              else if(r->info==t && r!=(*first))
         printf("\n The element not found in list");
void display(s* first,s* last)
    s* q=first;
        printf("\nNo node to print ");


circular linked list