Sort elements using quick sort - C Program

C program to sort 'n' numbers using quick sort.


Quick sort is also based on the 'Divide & Conquer' algorithm. In this sorting technique, an element is picked as a pivot and the array is partitioned around the pivot element. The target of each partition is, to put all smaller elements before pivot & put all greater elements after the pivot. This process is completed in linear time.

void quicksort(int x[20],int first,int last)
      int pivot,j,temp,i;

int main()
      int x[20],size,i;
      printf("\tQuick sort\n");
      printf(" How many numbers you want to sort?: ");
      printf("\n Enter %d elements: \n",size);
      printf("\n Sorted elements after applying quick sort: \n\n");
            printf(" %d",x[i]);
      return 0;


quick sort