Push & pop items from string stack - C Program

C program to push and pop items from string stack.


#define max 5
int push(char stack[max][80], int *top, char data[80])
      if(*top == max -1)
            *top = *top + 1;
            strcpy(stack[*top], data);
int pop(char stack[max][80], int *top, char data[80])
      if(*top == -1)
            strcpy(data, stack[*top]);
            *top = *top - 1;
int main()
      char stack[max][80], nm[80];
      int top,ch,reply;
      top = -1;   // Initialize Stack
      printf("      1. PUSH\n");
      printf("      2. POP\n");
      printf("      3. EXIT\n");
            printf("Choose operation : ");
            scanf("%d", &ch);
            switch (ch)
                  case 1 : // push
                        printf("\nEnter string : ");
                        reply = push(stack,&top,nm);
                        if(reply == -1)
                              printf("\n Stack is Full.\n");
                              printf("'%s' is Pushed in Stack.\n\n",nm);
                  case 2 : // pop
                        reply = pop(stack,  &top,nm);
                        if(reply == -1)
                              printf("\n Stack is Empty \n");
                              printf("Popped string is : %s\n",nm);
                  case 3 :
                        printf("Invalid operation \n");
      return 0;


push pop string stack