Print details of customers with less than given account balance

Write a 'C' program to accept customer details such as: Account_no, Name, Balance using structure. Assume 3 customers in the bank. Write a function to print the account no. and name of each customer whose balance < 100 Rs.


/* Defining Structre*/
struct bank
     int acc_no;
     char name[20];
     int bal;
/*Function to find the details of customer whose balance < 100.*/
void check(struct bank b[],int n) /*Passing Array of structure to function*/
     int i;
     printf("\nCustomer Details whose Balance < 100 Rs. \n");
               printf("Account Number : %d\n",b[i].acc_no);
               printf("Name           : %s\n",b[i].name);
               printf("Balance        : %d\n",b[i].bal);
int main()
     int i;
          printf("Enter Details of Customer %d\n",i+1);
          printf("Enter Account Number : ");
          printf("Enter Name           : ");
          printf("Enter Balance        : ");
     check(b,3);           //call function check
     return 0;


customers account balance