Types of Cloud Computing


  • The types of cloud computing are covered under Deployment Model. Deployment model and Service model are the working models for Cloud Computing.
  • Cloud computing is feasible and accessible to end users using the deployment model and service model.

Types of Cloud

The types of access of cloud are defined in Deployment model.

Cloud can be accessed in following four ways:

i) Public cloud
ii) Private cloud
iii) Hybrid cloud
iv) Community cloud

i) Public cloud

  • In the public cloud, systems and services are accessible to the general public. For example, Google, IBM, Microsoft etc.
  • Public cloud is open to all. Hence, it may be less secure.
  • This cloud is suitable for information which is not sensitive.
public cloud(new)

Advantages of Public cloud:
  • Public cloud is less expensive than the private cloud or hybrid cloud because it shares same resources with many customers.
  • It is easy to combine public cloud with private cloud so it gives the flexible approach to the customer.
  • It is reliable because it provides large number of resources from various locations and if any resource fails, another is employed.

ii) Private cloud

  • In the private cloud, systems and services are accessible within an organization.
  • This cloud is operated only in a particular organization. It is managed internally or  by third party.
private cloud

Advantages of Private cloud:
  • Private cloud is highly secured because resources are shared from distinct pool of resources.
  • As compared to the Public cloud, Private cloud has more control on its resources and hardware because it accessed only in the boundary of an organization.
Disadvantages of Private Cloud:
  • Private cloud is very difficult to deploy globally and it can be accessed locally only.
  • Private cloud's cost is more than that of Public cloud.

iii) Hybrid cloud

  • Hybrid cloud is a mixture of public and private cloud.
  • In hybrid cloud, critical activities are conducted using Private cloud and the non-critical activities are conducted using Public cloud.
hybrid cloud

Advantages of hybrid cloud model:
  • It is scalable because it gives the features of both public and private cloud.
  • It gives secure resources because of Private cloud and scalable resources because of Public cloud.
  • The cost of the Hybrid cloud is less as compared to Private cloud.
Disadvantages of hybrid Cloud:
  • In hybrid cloud, networking becomes complicated because both Private and Public cloud are available.

iv) Community cloud

  • Community cloud enables the system and services which are accessible by group of organizations.
  • It shares the infrastructure between several organizations from a specific community.
  • It is managed internally and operated by several organizations or by the third party or combination of them.
community cloud

Advantages of Community Cloud model:
  • In Community cloud, cost is low as compared to Private cloud.
  • Community cloud gives an infrastructure to share cloud resources and capabilities between several organizations.
  • This cloud is more secure than the Public cloud but less secured than the Private cloud.