HashSet Class in Java Framework

HashSet Class

  • The HashSet works on the mechanism of hashing. HashSet extends the AbstractSet class and implements Set interface.
  • The HashSet store the data in the form of hash table i.e. key value format.

Example : Program to implement the methods of HashSet Class

import java.util.*;
public class HashSetDemo
       public static void main(String args[])
             //creates hashset
             HashSet<String> hs = new HashSet<String>();
             System.out.println("Initional size of LinkedList: "+hs.size());
             System.out.println("HashSet is empty: "+hs.isEmpty());

             //add element in hashset
             System.out.println("HashSet elements after adding: "+hs);

             //delete the element
             System.out.println("HashSet elements after delete: "+hs);
             System.out.println("HashSet is empty: "+hs.isEmpty());

Initional size of LinkedList: 0
HashSet is empty: true
HashSet elements after adding: [Red, Pink, Blue, Green]
HashSet elements after delete: [Red, Pink, Blue]
HashSet is empty: false