Display major & minor diagonal elements

Q. Write a C++ program to accept a matrix of order N x N and display its major and minor diagonal elements.


using namespace std;
int main ()
        static int arr[10][10];
        int i, j, rows, cols, a = 0, sum = 0;

        cout<<"\n Enter Rows of the Matrix   : ";
        cout<<"\n Enter Columns of the Matix : ";
        if (rows == cols )
                cout<<"\n Enter the Elements of the Matrix : \n\n";      
                for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
                        for (j = 0; j < cols; ++j)
                                cout<<" ";
                cout<<"\n Matrix is : \n";    //Displaying the matrix
                for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
                        cout<<" ";
                        for (j = 0; j < cols; ++j)
                                cout<<" ";
                cout<<"\n Major Diagonal Elements : ";  //For displaying the major diagonal elements
                for(i=0; i< rows ; i++)
                         cout<<" ";
                cout<<"\n Minor Diagonal Elements : ";  //For displaying the minor diagonal elements
                for(i=0; i< rows; i++)
                         cout<<" ";
                         cout<<arr[i][rows - i - 1];
                for (i = 0; i < rows; ++i)   //For displaying the sum of major and minor diagonal elements
                        sum = sum + arr[i][i];
                        a = a + arr[i][rows - i - 1];
                cout<<"\n Sum of Major Diagonal Elements : "<<sum;
                cout<<"\n Sum of Minor Diagonal Elements : "<<a;
                cout<<"\n It is Not a Square Matrix";


major minor matrix elements

major minor matrix elements


  • Major diagonal elements occur from Top Left Corner to Bottom Right Corner. It is also known as Main Diagonal.

  • major diagonal elements
  • Minor diagonal elements occur from Top Right Corner to Bottom Left Corner.

  • minor diagonal elements