Sum & differences of two distances - C++ Program

Q. Create two classes dist1(meters, centimeters) and dist2(feet, inches). Accept two distances from the user, one in meter and centimeter and other in feet and inches. Find the sum and differences of the two distances. Display the result in, meters and centimeters as well as feet and inches (using friend function). (1 inch = 2.54 cm and 1 feet = 0.30 m)


using namespace std;

class dist2;
class dist1
        float mtr, cm;
        void accept()
                cout<<"\n Enter Data in Meter & Centimeter  :  ";
        friend void diff(dist1 d1, dist2 d2);
        friend void sum(dist1 d1, dist2 d2);
class dist2
        float feet, inch;
        void accept()
                cout<<"\n Enter Data in Feet & Inch         :  ";
        friend void difference(dist1 d1, dist2 d2);
        friend void sum(dist1 d1, dist2 d2);
void difference(dist1 d1,dist2 d2)
        int n1, n2, n3, ans, m, c, f, in;
        ans=(( + n3) - (n1 + n2));
        cout<<"\n --------------------------------------------------------------------";
        cout<<"\n Difference in Meters & Centimeters  =  "<<m<<" mtrs & "<<c<<" cms";
        cout<<"\n Difference in Feets & Inches        =  "<<f<<" feets & "<<in<<" inches";
void sum(dist1 d1, dist2 d2)
        int n1, n2, n3, ans, m, c, f, in;
        ans=(( + n3) + (n1+n2));
        cout<<"\n ------------------------------------------------------------------";
        cout<<"\n Sum in Meters & Centimeters         =  "<<m<<" mtrs & "<<c<<" cms";
        cout<<"\n Sum in Feets & Inches               =  "<<f<<" feets & "<<in<<" inches";
int main()
        dist1 d1;
        dist2 d2;
        return 0;


distance meter centimeters feet inch