Program to find area and perimeter using function

Q. Write a C++ program to calculate area and perimeter of square and rectangle using function.


Following program is calculating area and perimeter of square and rectangle using function.

using namespace std;

int area(int);
int area(int,int);
float peri(float);
float peri(float,float);
int main()
        int side, length, breadth;
        cout<<"\n Enter Side of a Square : ";
        cout<<"\n Enter Length and Breadth of Rectangle : ";
        cout<<"\n Area of Square : "<<area(side);
        cout<<"\n Area of Rectangle : "<<area(length,breadth);
        cout<<"\n Perimeter of Square : "<<peri(side);
        cout<<"\n Perimeter of Rectangle : "<<peri(length,breadth);
int area(int s)
int area(int l,int b)
float peri(float s)
float peri(float l,float b)


area & perimeter of square & rectangle