C++ Program to demonstrate multiple inheritance

Q. Consider two base classes
worker(int code, char name, float salary),
officer(float DA, HRA)
class manger(float TA(is 10% of salary), gross sal) is derived from both base classes. Write necessary member function.


using namespace std;

class worker
        int code;
        char name[200];
        float salary;
        worker(int c, char *n, float s)
        void putw()
                cout<<"\n Code          : "<<code;
                cout<<"\n Name          : "<<name;
                cout<<"\n Salary        : "<<salary;
class officer
        float DA, HRA;
        officer(float d, float h)
        void puto()
                cout<<"\n DA            : "<<DA;
                cout<<"\n HRA           : "<<HRA;
class manager:public worker, public officer
        float TA;
        float gsal;
        manager(int c,char *n, float s, float d, float h):worker(c, n, s), officer(d, h)
        void putm()
                cout<<"\n TA            : "<<TA;
                cout<<"\n Gross Salary  : "<<gsal;
int main()
        int cnt, i;

        cout<<"\n Enter Manager Count : ";
        manager *m;
        m=new manager[cnt];
        for(i=0; i<cnt; i++)
                cout<<"\n Enter Worker Information for "<<i+1<<"\n";
                cout<<"\n Enter Code   : ";
                int c;
                cout<<"\n Enter Name   : ";
                char n[200];
                cout<<"\n Enter Salary : ";
                float s;
                cout<<"\n Enter DA     : ";
                float d;
                cout<<"\n Enter HRA    : ";
                float h;
        for(i=0; i<cnt; i++)
                cout<<"\n Manager Information ";
        return 0;


worker officer manager