Overload arithmetic, insertion and extraction operators

Q. Create a class Binary that contains one float data member. Overload the 4 arithmetic operator’s. Also overload insertion and extraction operators.


using namespace std;

class Arithmatic
        float num;
        void accept()
                cout<<"\n Enter Number  : ";
        Arithmatic operator+(Arithmatic &a)
                Arithmatic t;
                return t;
        Arithmatic operator-(Arithmatic &a)
                Arithmatic t;
                return t;
        Arithmatic operator*(Arithmatic &a)
                Arithmatic t;
                return t;
        Arithmatic operator/(Arithmatic &a)
                Arithmatic t;
                return t;
        void display()
int main()
        Arithmatic a1, a2, a3;

        cout<<"\n --------------------------------------------";
        cout<<"\n\n Addition of Two Numbers        :   ";

        cout<<"\n\n Subtraction of Two Numbers     :   ";

        cout<<"\n\n Multiplication of Two Numbers  :   ";

        cout<<"\n\n Division of Two Numbers        :   ";
        return 0;


four arithmatic binary operator overload