Display student details in tabular form - C++

Q. Write a C++ program to accept and display the name, marks in three subjects and roll number of 'n' students using structure. Display the output in tabular form.


Following program is displaying the details of 'n' number of students using array of structure.

using namespace std;
struct student
       char sname[20];
       int rollno;
       int english, maths, science;
int main()
       struct student st[100];
       int n, i;
       cout<<"\n How Many Students You Want to Enter? : ";
       for(i=0; i<=n-1; i++)
              cout<<"\n Student Name :  ";
              cout<<"\n Roll Number  :  ";
              cout<<"\n Marks of Three Subjects ";
              cout<<"\n ---------------------";
              cout<<"\n English      :  ";
              cout<<"\n Maths        :  ";
              cout<<"\n Science      :  ";
              cout<<"\n ---------------------------------";
       cout<<"\n\n\t ********** Displaying Student's Details ********** \n\n"<<" ";
       cout<<"\n\tStudent's Name"<<"\tRoll Number"<<"\tMarks of Three Subjects";
       cout<<"\n\n\t\t\t\t\tEnglish  Maths  Science";
              cout<<"\n\t "<<st[i].sname<<"\t "<<st[i].rollno<<"\t\t "<<st[i].english<<"\t "<<st[i].maths<<"\t "<<st[i].science;
       return 0;


display student marks

display student marks