Binary Operator Overloading in C++

  • Binary operator works with two operands.
  • The first operand becomes the operator overloaded function caller and the second is passed as an argument.

Example : Program demonstrating Binary operator overloading

//Arithmetic operation using Binary Operator Overloading

using namespace std;
class BinaryArithmetic
         float num;
         void getnumber()
             num = 10;
         BinaryArithmetic operator+(BinaryArithmetic &ab)
             BinaryArithmetic x;
             x.num = num + ab.num;
             return x;
         BinaryArithmetic operator-(BinaryArithmetic &ab)
             BinaryArithmetic x;
             x.num = num - ab.num;
             return x;
         BinaryArithmetic operator*(BinaryArithmetic &ab)
             BinaryArithmetic x;
             x.num = num * ab.num;
             return x;
         BinaryArithmetic operator/(BinaryArithmetic &ab)
             BinaryArithmetic x;
             x.num = num/ab.num;
             return x;
         void show()
int main()
     BinaryArithmetic ba1,ba2,ba3;
     ba3 = ba1 + ba2;
     cout<<"Addition : ";;
     ba3 = ba1 - ba2;
     cout<<"\n\n Subtraction : ";;
     ba3 = ba1 * ba2;
     cout<<"\n\n Multiplication : ";;
     ba3 = ba1/ba2;
     cout<<"\n\n Division : ";;
     return 0;

Addition : 20
Subtraction : 0
Multiplication : 100
Division : 1

In the above example, overloading function for addition should be declared as, BinaryArithmetic operator+(BinaryArithmetic &ab); where BinaryArithmetic is a class name and ab is an object. To call function operator() the statement is as follows:

BinaryArithmetic operator+(BinaryArithmetic &ab)
     BinaryArithmetic x;
     x.num = num+ab.num;
     return x;

Member function can be called by using class of that object. The called member function is always preceded by the object.

In the above statement, the object x invokes the operator() function and the object ab is used as an argument for the function. The data member num is passed directly. While overloading binary operators, the left-hand operand calls the operator function and the right-hand operator is used as an argument.

Binary operator requires one argument and the argument contains value of the object to the right of the operator.