Prevent second object creation with Exception Handling

Q. Write a Java program which creates only one object. If user attempts to create second object, he should not be able to create it. (Using Exception Handling).


This example shows that how to create custom exception in java. When user try to create more than one object, it throws exception.

class NotMoreException extends Exception
          super("No more than 1 object");

class Test
     static int cnt=0;
     Test() throws NotMoreException
          if (cnt == 0)
               throw new NotMoreException();

class Demo
     public static void main(String[] args)
               Test t1 = new Test();
               Test t2 = new Test();
               Test t3 = new Test();
          catch (NotMoreException ex)


when we try to run this program it generates the exception.

NotMoreException: No more than 1 object