SEO Interview Questions and Answers Part 3

SEO Interview Questions and Answers Part 3

17. If you are asked to make a site mobile friendly, what are some of the things that you would pay attention to?


Some of the things to pay attention to for mobile optimization are:

i. Pay attention to Page Speed. Minify the code, reduce the redirects, make use of browser caching but keep the page loading speed high.
ii. Do not block any CSS, JavaScript or Images. Googlebots want to see everything a user would see.
iii. Avoid using Flash, use HTML5 rather.
iv. Avoid Pop Ups, they are frustrating
v. Bear in mind that the user is scrolling with finger. Manage the size of buttons and space between them to avoid unintentional clicks
vi. Keep titles and meta descriptions effective but concise
vii. Optimize to take benefit of local searches

18. How is Responsive Web Design different from Dynamic Serving?


Responsive websites serve same content to the mobile and desktop users using CSS3 media queries . They use fluid grid and a flexible design to adjust themselves to the user's screen size.

Dynamic serving is more useful when you want to serve different content to the desktop and mobile users. It is comparatively difficult and more expensive to maintain.

While Google prefers responsive web design, it supports Dynamic Serving as well.

19. What do you know about Parallel URLS?


Many website have a separate URL for mobile users. This is also called as Parallel URL. The mobile URLs usually use "m" as the subdomain.

20. What do you know about Panda Update?


Panda Update was brought in Feb 2011 with an intention to bring up websites with high quality content. It was an attempt to pull down low quality, duplicate content from Google's organic search engine results.

Panda keeps getting updated as per the changes in the industry. It hits upon duplicate, plagiarized, keyword stuffed content and spam.

21. Tell us something about Penguin Update.


Penguin Update was first launched in April 2012.This update was released with the aim to pull down  websites engaged in manipulative link schemes and keyword stuffing.

The main target of this update were the websites using Black Hat Techniques.

22. Explain Hummingbird Update.


The name of this update is derived from the little bird -hummingbird known for its speed and accuracy. This update was released in September 2013.

The purpose of this update is to improve the results thrown for each search query by understanding the actual intention behind the user's search. It focusses a lot on growing "conversational queries" that searchers use with the advent of voice based searches and increasing use of mobile phones.

Rather than being a penalty based update, this is an update to improve the user experience on Search Engine.