ASP.NET Application to implement ImageMap control

Write an ASP.NET application to implement the ImageMap control with suitable example.


Image Map Control:
The Image map control allows to create an image that the user can click. These are also called hotspots.

We can create two hotspot regions - One hotspot region to navigate to URL and another to post back to the server.


<%@ Page Language="VB" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<script runat="server">
    Sub Buttons_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ImageMapEventArgs) Handles Buttons.Click
        Label1.Text = e.PostBackValue & " clicked!"
    End Sub    
<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
    <title>Untitled Page</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <h3>ImageMap Class  Example</h3>
            <asp:imagemap id="Buttons" imageurl="images/new/imagemap.jpg" alternatetext="Navigate buttons"
                hotspotmode="Postback" runat="Server">                 
                alternatetext="Button 1"
                alternatetext="Button 2"        
                alternatetext="Button 3"          

                <h3><asp:label id="label1" runat="server" ></asp:label></h3>


1. On Page load

imagemap control

2. After clicked the button 2

imagemap control