Create a binary search tree - C Program

Write a C program to create a binary search tree for string as information of nodes and perform following operations:

1) Search a particular key.
2) Delete a node from the tree.
3) Find total number of leaf nodes

NOTE: Read strings from the file named as “product.txt” already created.


Binary Search Tree:
Binary search tree keeps its keys in sorted order. The left sub tree contains only the nodes with keys less than the parent’s node keys while the right subtree only contains nodes with keys greater than parent’s node’s keys.

In this example, we create a binary search tree for string which performs search & delete operations and also counts the total number of leaf node.


typedef struct node
    char info[20];
    struct node *left,*right;

void search(tree_type*,char []);
int display(tree_type*);

int main()
      tree_type *root=NULL;
      FILE *fp;
      int i=0,ch;
      char fname[20],str[20],c;
      printf("Enter the filename : ");

        if(c==' ')
               printf("\n1.Display and Count\\n3.Exit\nChoice : ");
                    case 1: c=display(root);
                    printf("\n\nNumber of nodes = %d",c);
                    case 2: printf("Enter the field to be searched: ");
                    case 3: break;
                    printf("Enter the correct choice: ");
void insert(tree_type **rt,char str[20])
     tree_type *p;
int display(tree_type *rt)
    static int c=0;
        return c;
        printf("- %s",rt->info);
void search(tree_type *rt,char str[20])
          printf("NOT FOUND");



binary search tree