Check for leap year - C Program

C program to check if year is leap or not.


This program determines year is leap year or not. Following are the rules for checking leap year.

i) If year is divisible by 400 then it is a leap year.
e.g. - 1600, 2000 are leap year but 1500, 1700 are not leap year.

ii) If year is not divisible by 400 and 100 but divisible by 4 then that year is leap year.

int main()
     int yr;
     printf("Enter Any Year: ");
     if(((yr%4==0)&&(yr%100!=0)) || (yr%400)==0)
          printf("%d is a Leap Year",yr);
          printf("\n%d is NOT a Leap Year.",yr);
     return 0;


leap year