Arrange student record in descending order - C

Write a 'C' Program to create a structure of student having fields roll_no, stud_name, mark1, mark2, mark3. Calculate total marks and average marks. Arrange the records in descending order of marks.


struct student
     int rno;
     char name[20];
     int marks[3];
     int total;
     float avg;
int main()
     int i,j;
     struct student s;
          printf("Enter Record for Student-%d \n",i+1);
          printf("Enter Roll-No. : ");
          printf("Enter Name     : ");
               printf("Enter Marks of Subject %d : ",j+1);
               stud[i].total=stud[i].total+stud[i].marks[j] ;
     printf("Records in Descending Order.\n (According to Total-Marks)");
     printf("\n ROLLNO   NAME  TOTAL-MARKS  AVG\n");
          printf("\n %d\t %s\t %d\t %.2f",stud[i].rno,stud[i].name,stud[i].total,stud[i].avg);
     return 0;


student record descending order