12 Commonly confused words about Beliefs and Feelings

While talking about some facts related to beliefs and feelings, we get confused with the use of some words.
So, here we get you a list of commonly confused word-pairs along with their meanings and examples. They'll clear your doubts around these words and help you use them with more confidence.

1. Spirituous and Spiritual

Spirituous refers to a strong substance containing alcohol obtained by distillation, such as whiskey.

For e.g. Spirituous liquor is strictly prohibited in the pilgrimage premises of Hindu.

Spiritual things are related to sacred matters or religion which affects the soul.
For e.g. Some people believe in being spiritual and unseen rather than in the outward unity.

2. Jealous and Zealous

When someone is envious of your possession, they have an unpleasant emotion/feeling called jealousy.
For e.g. My friend was jealous when he got to know about the success of our new business.

If you are zealous, you will be filled with enthusiasm and eagerness for something.
For e.g. As I looked around the cricket stadium, I saw many zealous fans with national flag painted on their face.

3. Peace and Piece

Peace is a state or situation where you get free from disturbances and feel calm.

For e.g. Maintaining peace and harmony in the working premises help us work effectively.

Piece refers to a portion of an object produced by cutting, tearing or breaking the whole.
For e.g. She wrote the lyrics of her new album on a piece of paper.

4. Lovable and Lovely

Lovable means possessing those qualities that make a person to love and affectionate.
For e.g. In real life, Alexander was a lovable personality.

Any person/place that makes you feel pleasant and delightful can be lovely for you.
For e.g. Yesterday, we visited the Konkan beach. It is a lovely place to spend time with family in the evening.

5. Dear and Deer

Dear is used in two different contexts -
i. It is used at the beginning of a letter to greet to the reader.

For e.g. Dear friend, how is it going?

ii. When any commodity is expensive, we say that it is dear.

For e.g. The prices of commodities became dear, when cost of production and demand was low.

Deer is an animal with wide horns like branches. Its female is called doe.
For e.g. Killing deer is considered as a crime in India.

6. Hart and Heart

Hart - It is an adult male deer, especially a red deer.
For e.g. We saw a herd of hart during the night safari.

Heart is a pumping organ in our chest that helps to control and maintain the blood circulation throughout the body.
For e.g. Following a fat-free diet on regular basis will help you in reducing the risks of heart diseases.

7. Complement and Compliment

Complement is a thing that contributes extra features to something else in order to enhance its quality.

For e.g. Though it was not the musical film, the orchestra's songs complement the story line.

Compliment is a polite remark of saying or praising something good.
For e.g. My boss complimented me for the improvement in my work.

8. Loath and Loathe

Loath is something when you are reluctant or unwilling to do some work.
For e.g. She was loath for an outing on a short notice.

Loathe is a strong feeling of hatred or disgust to something or someone.
For e.g. I loathe the people who are not punctual and make others wait for long hours.

9. Naughty and Knotty

Naughty describes someone who is stubborn and misbehaves for something.
For e.g. All parents love their children however naughty they are.

Whenever Mary studies, her naughty brother starts disturbing her.

Knotty - When you tie something tightly and repeatedly, it becomes full of knots and is called knotty and the problems whose solutions are difficult to draw are also referred to as 'knotty'.
For e.g. The practice test given by the teacher is quite knotty. I am trying to solve it since yesterday.

10. Sensitive and Sensible

Sensitive - When you respond quickly and strongly to some slight changes in your surrounding, you are said to be sensitive.       

For e.g. Mimosa is a sensitive plant. It closes its leaves when touched by someone or something.

Sensible -  If you undertake any action or judgment which is practical and meaningful, you are said to do something sensibly.
For e.g. A team leader must give sensible solutions to the problems experienced by his team.

11. Disinterested and Uninterested

Both words have the same meaning, but, used in different aspects.

Disinterested - If you do not want to involve personally in anyone's matter and act fairly, then you are disinterested in it.
For e.g. It seems that she is disinterested to participate in the dance competition.

Uninterested - When someone shows no feeling or interest in your talks, they are uninterested in communicating to you.
For e.g. I was uninterested to listen her rubbish talks, so, I came back to my room.

12. Amiable and Amicable

Amiable - It refers to the quality of being friendly, pleasant and willingness to accept the other's decisions.

For e.g. Though she was a stranger, she had an amiable conversation with me.

Amicable is a state in which people behave friendly and pleasant to avoid disagreement or argument.
For e.g. After many disputes, both parties reached to an amicable agreement.