4 Commonly confused words about Work with Sentences

Many of us often get confused between the use of words like "Roll and Role" or "Abstain and Refrain" or "Suite and Suit". These words may look similar or it may seem that they can be used interchangeably but actually they are different. They can't be used in place of each other.  

So, here is a list of 4 most commonly confused word-pairs accompanied by their meanings and example sentences.

1. Discover and Invent

When you search for some place, object or anything for the first time, this means you are discovering them.

For e.g. Vasco da Gama was the sailor who discovered India in 1489.

If you have created something which has never been into existence earlier, this shows  you have invented that particular thing.

For e.g. Wright brothers invented the first flying machine named Kitty Hawk.

2. Abstain and Refrain

If you hold back yourself from doing the things which can be harmful, then you are abstaining yourself.

For e.g. You should abstain consuming alcohol because of your deteriorating health.

Refrain refers to the situation in which you stop yourself from practicing the activities which you want to do.

For e.g. She will refrain herself from making a speech since she is suffering from sore throat today.

3. Role and Roll

We say nature plays a vital role in our life. Role refers to function performed by anything or anyone for some purpose.

For e.g. Today, the manager will take a session on the role of recruiters in the company.

When you make something to roll, it means you are repeatedly turning or revolving it in a certain direction.

For e.g. The worker put on the switch and the wheels of machine started to roll.

4. Suit and Suite

As a noun, suite is pronounced as 'sweet'. It is referred to a room containing set of things used for particular purpose.

For e.g. The HR team was given suites to stay at Hotel Regent, after the conference.

Suit - A set of outfit with a combination of blazer and trouser/skirt worn on a formal occasion is known as suit.

For e.g. My friend bought a new suit for his job interview.