Calculate area using constructor overloading

Q. Write a C++ program to calculate the area of triangle, rectangle and circle using constructor overloading. The program should be menu driven.


Constructors have same name of the class but with number of arguments. Constructors can be overloaded.

Following program is displaying the work of overloaded constructors.

using namespace std;

class area
        float ar;
                area(float r)
                area(float l, float b)
                area(float a, float b, float c)
                        float s;
                void display()
                        cout<<"\n Area : "<<ar;
int main()
        int ch;
        float x, y, z;
                <<"\n\n 1. Area of Circle";
                cout<<"\n 2. Area of Rectangle";
                cout<<"\n 3. Area of Triangle";
                cout<<"\n 4. Exit";
                cout<<"\n\n Enter Your Choice : ";

                        case 1 :
                                cout<<"\n Enter Radius of the Circle : ";
                                area a1(x);  //Class area, object is created : a1

                        case 2 :
                                cout<<"\n Enter Length and Breadth of the Rectangle : ";
                                area a2(x,y);

                        case 3 :
                                cout<<"\n Enter Sides of the Triangle : ";
                                area a3(x,y,z);

                        case 4 :

                        default :
                                cout<<"\n\n Invalid Choice ...";
        } while(ch!=4);
        return 0;


constructor overloading area