Accept details & print highest billed amount

Q. Write a C++ program to accept bill no, customer code, name and amount of 100 bills and print the details of the customer with highest billed amount.


using namespace std;

struct customer
     int billno;
     int custcode;
     char custname[20];
     float amount;
int main()
     struct customer c[5];
     int i, max;

          cout<<"\n Enter Bill No.      :  ";
          cout<<"\n Enter Customer Code :  ";
          cout<<"\n Enter Customer Name :  ";
          cout<<"\n Enter Amount        :  ";
          cout<<"\n -----------------------------";
          cout<<"\n Bill No.        :  "<<c[i].billno;
          cout<<"\n Customer Code   :  "<<c[i].custcode;
          cout<<"\n Customer Name   :  "<<c[i].custname;
          cout<<"\n Amount          :  "<<c[i].amount<<endl;
               cout<<"\n ------------------------------------------------\n";
               cout<<"\n Highest billed amount : "<<c[i].custname;
               cout<<"\n Customer name          : "<<c[i].amount;
     return 0;


customer bills

customer bills

Note: To print the amount of 100 bills, just write 100 instead of 5, for example: (for i=0; i<100; i++).