Add different data types using templates - C++

Q. Write a C++ program to demonstrate the addition of multiple types of data using generic function or template.


  • Generic template defines a set of statements which are common for the different data types.
  • In the above program, first data is passed as integer numbers and second data is passed as float numbers
  • Generic template claims both the parameters to be of same data type which means we cannot enter the parameters with the different data types such as integer and float.
  • Integer and float are different, the program will show the error. So therefore, it requires the parameters to be of same data type.
Following program is displaying the addition of multiple types of data using generic function.

using namespace std;

template <class Test> Test addition(Test num1, Test num2)  //Created generic template
        return (num1+num2);
int main()
        cout<<"\n Addition of Multiple Types of Data using Generic Template";
        cout<<"\n ---------------------------------------------------------";
        cout<<"\n Addition of Integer Parameters : "<<addition(10, 10);  
                //Data is passed as Integer

        cout<<"\n Addition of Float Parameters : "<<addition(15.5, 20.10);    
                 //Data is passed as Float
                //Generic template claims both the parameters to be of same data type.
        return 0;


addition multiple types data