Circular Queue in Data Structure

Circular Queue

  • In a circular queue, all nodes are treated as circular. Last node is connected back to the first node.
  • Circular queue is also called as Ring Buffer.
  • It is an abstract data type.
  • Circular queue contains a collection of data which allows insertion of data at the end of the queue and deletion of data at the beginning of the queue.
circular queue


The above figure shows the structure of circular queue. It stores an element in a circular way and performs the operations according to its FIFO structure.

Example: Program for Circular Queue

#define max 6
int q[10],front=0,rear=-1;
int main()
    int ch;
    void insert();
    void delet();
    void display();

    printf("\nCircular Queue Operations\n");
        printf("Enter Your Choice:");
        case 1: insert();
        case 2: delet();
        case 3:display();
        case 4: exit(0);
        default:printf("Invalid option\n");
void insert()
    int x;
        printf("Queue is Overflow\n");
        printf("Insert Element :");
void  delet()
    int a;
    printf("Queue is Underflow\n");
        else a=q[front++];
        printf("Deleted Element is : %d\n",a);
void display()
    int i,j;
        printf("Queue is Underflow\n");
            printf("\n \t%d",q[j]);
        printf("\nRear is at %d\n",q[rear]);
        printf("\nFront is at %d\n",q[front]);
        printf("\nRear is at %d\n",q[rear]);
        printf("\nFront is at %d\n",q[front]);



circular queue insert

2. Display

circular queue display

3. Delete

circular queue delete