How to Become Full Stack Web Developer? Responsibilities, Certification, Salary, Future

- What is Full Stack Web development?
- How to become Full Stack web developer?
- What are the responsibilities of a Full Stack developer?
- What are the Certification Courses available to become a Full Stack Developer
- What is the salary of a full Stack Developer?
- What is the future of the Full Stack Developer?

1. What is Full Stack Web development?

We have two parts in web development - frontend and backend development, which means every web or mobile application has two parts, ie. a front end, and a back end

Front-end web development which is also known as client-side development. And this involves development of the user interface or visible part of the application. It includes everything the user experiences directly such as text , buttons, images, menus, fonts, colors etc. And the basic front-end technologies are HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

While backend development includes business logic, database and server. Backend actually work behind the scenes to deliver information to the user.

The back end portion is built by using programming languages such as PHP, Python, Java, Ruby, My SQL, MS SQL etc.

So, Full-Stack Development is nothing but the development of both the back end and front-end system. And a developer who is proficient with both sides, is known as a full stack developer. He offers the full package. And Working on both the server side and client side professionally opens many opportunities.

2. How to become Full Stack web developer?

There is a lot to know when it comes to full-stack software developer. There is a long list of possible things to learn. You can't get good at something like full-stack developer overnight. We need to go systematically in order to hone a wide range of skills.

So let's discuss step-by-step guide for you to follow. And, here's are the simple steps:

Step 1 - Basic Front End Technologies
Step 2 - Programming Language
Step 3 - Database
Step 4 - Responsive Web Design
Step 5 - JavaScript Frameworks
Step 6 - Version control, Git and GitHub

Now, let's discuss each of them in detail.

Step 1 - Basic Front end Technologies

If you are a beginner, start with basic frontend technologies like ,HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Now when I'm saying to begin learning these technologies, it doesnt mean you need to become an expert in every piece of these technologies. Just give yourself 15 - 30 days to learn basics of these technologies. Don't get into advanced concepts at this stage, that would confuse you a lot. Instead learn those concepts as and when you require to implement in a project. Working on a project is real learning. When you implement a concept in a project, you will never forget it.

So, here's the list of topics that you can cover before taking up a project:

HTML topics - Elements, Attributes, Headings, Paragraphs, Fonts, Tables, Lists, Block, Inline, Classes, Id

CSS topics - Colors, Backgrounds, Borders, Margins, Padding, Height/Width, Fonts, Links, Position, Overflow, Float, Inline-block

Javascript topics - Comments, Variables, Const, Operators, Data Types, Functions, Objects, Events, Strings, String Methods, Numbers, Number Methods, Arrays, Array Methods, Dates, Date Formats, Math, Random, Comparisons, Conditions, Loop, Break, this Keyword

Now, with you basic knowledge, you can start designing a Static Website. And for a Static website, you do not require any Web programming or database design. You can choose any good existing website and start making a clone of that website. You will come across many new concepts along the way. You can now learn those concepts and implement as well. Your first website might take a bit longer but it will teach you a lot. And, you can gain confidence in yourself.

Step 2 -  Programming Language

Once you have a fair knowledge about front-end technologies, you can go to Step 2 where you can learn backend technologies.  

You can choose PHP or Python. Both are extremely popular. You can also choose ASP.NET

Now, in order to work on a technology, you need to become comfortable with its framework. A Framework provides a basic structure for streamlining the development and speeds up the development process.

If you want to learn PHP, then you can go for Laravel, which is the most popular free, open-source PHP framework.

And for Python, you can learn Django.

Learning a Framework is not time consuming, you can find yourself comfortable within few days. Even CSS and Javascript also have Framework, but I wouldn't recommend for beginners, although, you will have to learn and master it as you progress.

Coming to Programming Language, you don't have to learn them thoroughly, just clear your basics and start adding dynamic features or business logics to the website. This way, you will learn a lot and gain a lot of confidence.

Step 3 -  Database

Once you are comfortable with programming language and have implemented few business logic successfully to your project, It's time to jump to Step 3. And now you can start learning a database. There are many databases such as MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle etc.

If you are working with PHP or Python, go for MySQL. MS SQL works well with ASP.NET

Now again get your basics right while leaving out advanced features at the moment and start incorporating database design into your website.

With this,  you have the basic understanding and experience necessary to create full-fledged applications with both front-end and back-end layers for a business.

Step 4 - Responsive Web Design

It's important to create web pages that look good on all devices. So, learning about Responsive web design is imperative.

There are many CSS frameworks which can make your job easier such as Bootstrap, Tailwind, Bulma etc.

Bootstrap is the most popular CSS framework globally and easier to learn.

Step 5 - JavaScript Frameworks

There are many JavaScript frameworks and many front-end development jobs now require framework experience. And They are now an essential part of modern front-end web development. So, it's important for you to learn a JavaScript framework. Angular and React are both very popular JavaScript framework. So, you can choose to one of them.

Step 6 - Version control, Git and GitHub

If you work on a project you'll likely be part of a team. So, it's important to get familiar with Version control, Git and GitHub.

Knowledge of Version control allows Full Stack Developers to better collaborate and cooperate with their fellow developers/programmers who are working on the same project.

Version control allows a team to manage changes in a source code by keeping track of every modification to the code.

There are several types of version control systems that teams use today. Some are centralized. Some are distributed.

One of the most popular distributed options is Git version control. It's open source, so anyone can use it.

So, learn to use Git and store your files in an online platform like Github.

What are the responsibilities of a Full Stack developer?

The responsibilities of a full stack developer are as follows:

- Creating the architecture for a website's front end.
- Creating web page user interfaces.
- Developing back-end web application
- Creating servers and databases to facilitate functionality.
- Ensuring mobile phone cross-platform optimization.
- Ensuring application responsiveness across all devices
- Collaborating with graphic designers on web design features.
- Seeing a project through from inception to completion.
- Meeting both technical and consumer requirements
- Keeping up with the latest developments in web applications and programming languages.

Full Stack Developer Certification Courses  

There are many Online Certification Training Course Providers that help you to build full websites from start to end.

They are

Udemy, LinkedIn, Udacity, Coursera, Codecademy, Edx, Skillshare

Each course requires a sincere commitment of time and resources. So, go through the details of each one and find the right fit for you.

What is the salary of a full Stack Developer?

A full stack developer's starting salary is around 3-5 lakh per year. For those with 1-4 years of experience, can expect to earn around 5-8 lakhs. And with 5-9 years of experience, you can expect to earn around 12- 14 lakhs.

These figures, however, are not fixed. Your salary will be determined by the skills you possess and the rate at which you advance within the company. Your salary would be determined by factors such as where you live, the company you work for, and the skills you possess.

What is the future of the Full Stack Developer?

In India, there are numerous opportunities for full stack developers. They are in high demand as businesses of all sizes seek new ways to leverage cutting-edge technology to help them grow. Full stack developers can find work in finance firms, banks, IT firms, and tech start-ups. They can find employment in a variety of industries.