Group Discussion on Food

Food is one of the basic necessities of life on earth. It is heart wrenching to see that a large part of the world population suffers from lack of food and malnutrition. While an average earning middle class person spends more on the food for their pets than some people in poverty ridden areas get for the day.

For a Group discussion on Food, we get you some facts, quotes, arguments and possible GD topics.

Some interesting facts for a GD on Food:

  • More than two billion people around the world, which is a third of the world population, suffer from malnutrition.
  • Every one in four child in the world is stunted. Stunted refers to slowed mental and physical growth due to lack of nutrition.
  • 110,000 pregnant women die each year due to anaemia, a disease caused by malnutrition. Half of the pregnant women in developing countries are subject to this disease.
  • Underweight and malnourished children are likely to die before the age of five. Child hunger causes one-third of the 8 million deaths each year in children younger than 5 years old.
  • Obesity has grown by almost 300% since 1975. As per a WHO report, more than 1.9 billion adults were overweight and of these over 650 million were obese in 2016.
  • 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted every year. If wasted food was a country, it would be the third largest producer of carbon dioxide in the world.

Possible group discussion topics on Food:

1. Junk food should be banned around schools and residential areas.
2. Will a ban on junk food help solve the problem of rising obesity?
3. Humans are not supposed to eat animals.
4. Food porn should be stopped.
5. Raw milk versus Pasteurized milk.
6. Milk is more harmful than nutritious - Agree or Disagree.
7. Should GMOs be encouraged or shunned?
8. Food misinformation should be banned. What's on the label should be exactly what's inside.
9. Using preservatives in food - Saving from wastage or harming health?
10. Nutrition supplements are necessary.
11. Good fat versus Bad fat.
12. Saturated versus Unsaturated fats.
13. Type 2 diabetes awareness needs more efforts.
14. Internet sources on nutrition should not be trusted.
15. Low GI food is necessary for diabetics and hence fruits need to be avoided too.
16. Vegan diet is ideal for health.
17. Vegan diet is just a fad.

Some quotes that can be used in the above group discussions:

Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.
- Bethenny Frankel

Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.
- Jean Anthelme Brilliant - Savarin

Advantages of Vegan diet:

1. No cruelty: You are not killing birds and animals in order to satisfy your cravings. It is more ethical and sentient.

2. Human anatomy: Neither do humans have the long pointed teeth of carnivores, nor the short interties for fast digestion or the liver that detoxifies excess Vitamin A like in carnivores.

3. You get everything in plants: From amino-acids to vitamins, fats and minerals, vegetarian food has it all which makes meat unnecessary.

4. Antibiotics: To prevent diseases in livestock, antibiotics are given to them which is causing antibiotic restraint in humans who consume these meats.

5. Pollution: Raising animals for food is leading to pollution of local water bodies as well as air due to toxic waste left to rot in the open in most countries.

Non-vegetarian diet is better. Vegan diet is just a fad:

1. Food chain: Humans are at the top of the food chain that ensures balance of life on earth. The population of these animals would grow beyond normal if not consumed.

2. Source of protein: Amino-acids, the building blocks of protein as well as iron, zinc and vitamin B are packed in a small serving of meat based food.

3. Vitamin B 12: A large number of vegetarians and vegans are found to have a deficiency of vitamin B 12 as compared to meat-eaters.

4. Weight loss: Contrary to popular belief, meat based food help in losing weight as compared to vegetarian food that has to be consumed in bigger quantity to get the desired amount of nutrition.

5. Raising animals is easier: In most places, land and soil is not suitable for cultivation of vegetables and animals come as a handy source.

6. Deforestation: There is no cutting down of trees and forests involved in raising animals as opposed to growing vegetables that also contribute to wastage of food


Veganism and meat eating are lifestyles that are entirely dependent on the choice of individuals. One should have the freedom to decide what they want to eat and what not.

We hope that you found this GD guide on Food useful to crack your entrance exams and placement tests.