HTML Interview Questions Part 3

13. What will happen if there is no text between the tags?


If there is no text between the tags then there is nothing to format, so no formatting will appear.

Some tags do not require closing tag and text between them like <img> tag.

14. Is it possible to set specific colors for table borders?


Yes, you can specify a border color using CSS style sheets.

The <table bordercolor=""> property is outdated and should not be used, instead of that use CSS style sheets for table borders.

Otherwise you can use the BORDERCOLOR attribute in <table> tag to set colors for table orders.


    <th>First Name</th>
    <th>Last Name</th>

table border color

15. Can a single text link point to two different web pages?


No, the <a> tag can accept only a single href attribute, and it can point to only a single web page.

16. Which command is use to create a text on a webpage that will allow you to send an email when clicked?


The 'mailto' command within the href tag is used to change a text into a clickable link to send email.

For example,
<a href=”mailto:youremailaddress”>Text to be clicked</A>

17.  Style sheets limit the number of new style definitions that can be included within the brackets. Is the above sentence correct?


No, the above statement is false. Style sheets do not limit the number of style definitions that can be included within the brackets for a given selector.

Every new style definition, however, must be separated from the others by a semicolon symbol.

For example,
h1 {color:red, font-size:10px}

18.  What will happen if you open the external CSS file in a browser?


It will just open the css file and you can see all the content as plain text.

The only way to use an external CSS file is to reference it using <link> tag within another html document.

You need to add a <link> tag in <head> section.


  <link rel="stylesheet" href="MyCSS1.css">

Using an external style sheet, you can change the look of an entire website, by changing one file.