Count number of visitors on website - JSP

Q. Write a JSP application to count the total number of visits on your website.


Page counter means the number of times the page has been visited by the users.

Below example shows how to count total number of hit on the particular page.


<%@ page import="*,java.util.*" %>
        <title>Count visitor</title>
            <fieldset style="width:20%; background-color:#e6ffe6;">
                <legend>Count visitor</legend>
                    Integer hitsCount =
                    if( hitsCount ==null || hitsCount == 0 )
                        /* First visit */
                        out.println("Welcome to my website!!");
                        hitsCount = 1;
                        /* return visit */
                        out.println("Welcome to my website!!");
                        hitsCount += 1;
                    application.setAttribute("hitCounter", hitsCount);
                <p>You are visitor number: <%= hitsCount%></p>




hit counter