Square Root and Cube Root - Aptitude Questions and Answers Part 2

6. What is 3352?

a. 112225
b. 120225
c. 122225
d. 150225

Answer: a. 112225


To find square of number ending in 5
Example - 3352
335 ends with 5.
So 3352 will have 52 = 25 at end
Now leave last digit i.e. 5.
We have 33. Add 1 to it.
We get 33 + 1 = 34
33 x 34 = 1122
3352 = 112225

7. Find value of M +1, if M =7 - 5
M7 + 5

a. 35
b. 2
c. 9
d. 12

Answer: d. 12


M =7 - 5
7 + 5
1=7 + 5
M7 - 5
M +1=7 - 5+7 + 5=(7 - 5)2 + (7 + 5)2
M7 + 57 - 5(7 + 5)(7 - 5)

(a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
(a-b)2 = a2 - 2ab + b2
(a+b)(a - b) = a2 - b2

∴ M +1=2(7)2 + 2(5)2
M(7)2 - (5)2
∴ M +1= 12

8. What is value of square and cube root
a. 6
b. 6.48….
c. 7
d. ∞
e. None of the above

Answer: c. 7


In such cases, first we need to find various factors of 42.
42 = 2 x 21
42 = 3 x 14
42 = 6 x 7
Select the factors which have a difference of 1 between them.
7 - 6 = 1        ∴ Select 7 and 6
Select the larger factor among the two
∴ Answer = 7

Going Further, if we havesquare and cube root then use the same above trick just select the smaller factor instead of bigger one.

9. What will be value ofsquare and cube rootif value of 15 = 3.872
a. 3.872
b. 1/3.872
c. 1.872
d. 1.290

Answer: d. 1.290


square and cube root

10. Find the value of X if X = (0.004096)1/6

a. 0.04
b. 0.4
c. 4
d. 64

Answer: b. 0.4


The solution might look lengthy but is very easy.
(0.004096)1/6 = (0.004096)1/3 x 1/2

Here we need to find cube root first and then square root.  

4096 ends with 6. So cube root will have 6 in the end.
Neglect last 3 digits. We are left with 4
Nearest cube to 4 which is less than 4 is 13 = 1.
So cube root of 4096 = 16

Also there are 6 decimal places.
We want cube root. Hence decimals in cube root will be 6/3 = 2
So (0.004096)1/3 = 0.16

Now, square root of 16 = 4
There are 2 decimal places and we want square root.
So decimals in square root will be 2/2 = 1
So 0.16 = 0.4
∴ 0.0040961/6 = 0.4