Calculate sum of series - C Program

Write a C program to calculate the sum of following series using function.

Sum = 1 + 1/x + 1/x2 + 1/x3 + 1/x4 +…………


float series(int x,int n)
     float sum=1;
     int i;
     return sum; //Return the value in main where the function call
int main()
     int X,N,i;
     float s;
     printf("Calculate Series:\n\n1+1/x^1/x^2+1/x^3+1/x^4+…………\n\n");
     printf("\nEnter Value of x : ");
     scanf("%d", &X);
     printf("\nEnter Value of N : "); //i.e up to which the power of x to be calculated
     scanf("%d", &N);
     printf("\n1 +");
               printf("(1/%d^%d)  ",X,i);
               printf(" (1/%d^%d) + ",X,i);
     s=series(X,N); //Function call
     printf("\n\nSum of Series : %.3f",s);
     return 0;


sum of series