Linked List using Arrays in Data Structure

Linked List using Arrays

Array of linked list is an important data structure used in many applications. It is an interesting structure to form a useful data structure. It combines static and dynamic structure. Static means array and dynamic means linked list used to form a useful data structure. This array of linked list structure is appropriate for applications.

Example: Demonstrating the Linked List Implementation using Array

#define MAX 10 // Macro defines maximum no. of elements in the list. It is a user defined data type

    int list[MAX];
    int element;     //new element to be inserted
    int pos;           //position of the element to be inserted or deleted
    int length;     //total no of elements
enum boolean
    true, false
typedef enum boolean boolean;        //function prototypes

int menu(void);           //This function displays the list of operations
void create(void);       //This function creates initial set of elements
void insert(int, int);    //This function inserts the element at specified position
void delet(int);       //This function deletes the element at given position
void find(int);        //This function finds the position of the given element, if exists
void display(void);       //This function displays the elements in the list
boolean islistfull(void);  //This function checks whether the list is full or not boolean
boolean islistempty(void);        //This function checks whether the list is empty or not

void main()
    int ch;
    int element;
    int pos;
    l.length = 0;
        ch = menu();
        switch (ch)
             case 1:   l.length = 0;
             case 2:
             if (islistfull() != true)
                  printf("Enter New element: ");
                  scanf("%d", &element);
                  printf("Enter the Position : ");
                  scanf("%d", &pos);
                  insert(element, pos);
                  printf("List is Full. Cannot insert the element");
                  printf("\n Press any key to continue...");
             case 3:
             if (islistempty() != true)
                  printf("Enter the position of element to be deleted : ");
                  scanf("%d", &pos);
                  printf("List is Empty.");
                  printf("\n Press any key to continue...");
             case 4:
             printf("No of elements in the list is %d", l.length);
             printf("\n Press any key to continue...");
             case 5:
             printf("Enter the element to be searched : ");
             scanf("%d", &element);
             case 6:
             case 7:
             default:  printf("Invalid Choice");
             printf("\n Press any key to continue...");
}        //function to display the list of elements
int menu()
    int ch;
    printf("1. Create\n2. Insert\n3. Delete\n4. Count\n5. Find\n6. Display\n7.Exit\n\n Enter your choice : ");
    scanf("%d", &ch);
    return ch;
void create(void)
    int element;
    int flag=1;
        printf("Enter element : ");
        scanf("%d", &element);
        l.list[l.length] = element;
        printf("To insert another element press '1' : ");
        scanf("%d", &flag);
void display(void)
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<l.length; i++)
        printf("Element %d : %d \n", i+1, l.list[i]);
    printf("Press any key to continue...");
void insert(int element, int pos)
    int i;
    if (pos == 0)
        printf("\nCannot insert an element at 0th position")

    if (pos-1 > l.length)
        printf("\nOnly %d elements exit. Cannot insert at %d position", l.length, pos);
        printf("\n Press any key to continue...");
        for (i=l.length; i>=pos-1; i--)
            l.list[i+1] = l.list[i];
        l.list[pos-1] = element;
void delet(int pos)
    int i;
    if(pos == 0)
        printf("\nCannot delete at an element 0th position");
    if (pos > l.length)
        printf("\n\n Only %d elements exit. Cannot delete", l.length, pos);
        printf("\n Press any key to continue...");
    for (i=pos-1; i<l.length; i++)
        l.list[i] = l.list[i+1];

void find(int element)
    int i;
    int flag = 1;

    for (i=0; i<l.length; i++)
        if(l.list[i] == element)
            printf ("%d exists at %d position",element, i+1);
            flag = 0;
            printf("\n Press any key to continue...");
    if(flag == 1)
        printf("Element not found.\n Press any key to continue...");
boolean islistfull(void)
    if (l.length == MAX)
        return true;
        return false;
boolean islistempty(void)
    if (l.length == 0)
        return true;
        return false;


1. Create

implementation using array create

2. Insert

implementation using array insert

3. Delete

implementation using array delete

Difference between Array and Linked List

ArrayLinked List
Array is a collection of elements having same data type with common name.Linked list is an ordered collection of elements which are connected by links.
Elements can be accessed randomly.Elements cannot be accessed randomly. It can be accessed only sequentially.
Array elements can be stored in consecutive manner in memory.Linked list elements can be stored at any available place as address of node is stored in previous node.
Insert and delete operation takes more time in array.Insert and delete operation cannot take more time. It performs operation in fast and in easy way.
Memory is allocated at compile time.Memory is allocated at run time.
It can be single dimensional, two dimensional or multidimensional.It can be singly, doubly or circular linked list.
Each array element is independent and does not have a connection with previous element or with its location.Location or address of element is stored in the link part of previous element or node.
Array elements cannot be added, deleted once it is declared.The nodes in the linked list can be added and deleted from the list.
In array, elements can be modified easily by identifying the index value.In linked list, modifying the node is a complex process.
Pointer cannot be used in array. So, it does not require extra space in memory for pointer.Pointers are used in linked list. Elements are maintained using pointers or links. So, it requires extra memory space for pointers.